Week 4: Peer Feedback on Formative Assessment

This week, we were paired with another student in CEP 813 and asked to provide them with feedback based on their created Rubric 4.0. This was a good process to go through, but it allowed me to inadvertently assess my assessment as well. It allowed me to see my project through a different lens and think about how to improve it. This assignment was beneficial because we were able to receive feedback on our assessment from someone who sees it from a different perspective. It is always good to have another pair of eyes to review your work. They tend to see things that we are blind to. Below is my peer assessment.

Peer Assessment 

Week 4: Rubric 3.0

Throughout the course, we continue to learn more and more about effective classroom assessments. As we read, we are encouraged to update our rubric to reflect new criteria we discover. I have added a few more criteria and deepened my explanations of others in hopes of creating a detailed rubric for assessing effective classroom assessments. Take a look at my new and improved rubric below.

Rubric 3.0