Rubric for Assessing Good Assessments

assessment 3

This week we were asked to create a rubric to assess what makes a good assessment. While reading through the articles by Shepard (2000) and Black (2010) this week, I began to critically reflect on my assessment practices as an elementary teacher. This assignment is transforming the way I look at the assessments I give. Are the assessments we give an effective tool used to assess students’ understanding of the content? Do the assessments utilized assess students’ ability to apply the knowledge they learned, or does it simply assess their acquisition of knowledge?

This rubric is my first iteration that critically looks at what makes a good assessment. Throughout this course, I will add to the criteria and descriptions. As I move through this journey of creating a rubric for assessments, I will continue to critically think about my use of assessments and where they fall on this rubric. I hope that it helps you to do the same.



Shepard, L. A. (2000). The Role of Assessment in a Learning Culture. The Role of Assessment in a Learning Culture, 9, 4-14. Retrieved from


Black, P., & Wiliam, D. (2010). Inside the Black Box: Raising Standards through Classroom Assessment. Phi Delta Kappan, 92(1), 81-90. doi:10.1177/003172171009200119


Photo Credit:

Spanish, C. (2015, April 27). Make Standards-Based Grading a Reality in Your Classroom! Retrieved September 10, 2017, from

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