Week 7: Final Reflection Project

For our final blog post for CEP 812, we were asked to create something, anything that reflects what we learned from Warren Berger’s A More Beautiful Question  and shows our Passion Quotient (PQ) and our Curiosity Quotient (CQ) (Friedman, 2013) and (Berger,2014). I chose to record an audio recording of a lecture that I wrote and animate it using Powtoon.

Throughout my speech I demonstrate my passion for education and how my love for technology and innovation has driven me to attempt to make a change in education. I show my curiosity through my thoughts and questions that do not necessarily have a definitive answer yet, but only possible solutions. Through reading Berger’s “A More Beautiful Question”, I have learned that it is within our wicked questions that amazing ideas and innovation live (Berger, 2014). If I have learned anything, it is to not be afraid to ask questions because through our questions come change.

Through the survey that my group conducted during this class, it became evident that many educators believe that there needs to be a change in education. My passion for innovation and teaching has been further ignited from reading this book and completing these projects. I plan to be a part of the change in education, by starting in my classroom. I will work to engage my students through inquiry, creativity, designing, and self-paced learning. There will be bumps along the way I’m sure, but I will learn through the process to improve and make a better classroom for my students.

I hope you enjoy the video I created to show my passion and curiosity for education.


Berger, W. (2014). A more beautiful question: the power of inquiry to spark breakthrough ideas. New York: Bloomsbury.

Friedman, T. L. (2013, January 29). It’s P.Q. and C.Q. as Much as I.Q. Retrieved June 29, 2017, from http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/30/opinion/friedman-its-pq-and-cq-as-much-as-iq.html

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