Week 3: PLN

PLN Popplet

This week we were asked to create a popplet that illustrates our Personal Learning Network (PLN) that we use to gather new information about our work. Technology has afforded many advantages for gaining new ideas about education. It has broadened my scope of WHO I can go to and WHERE I can go for information. With the use of the internet, I am able to connect with teachers I have never met via blog posts. I am able to meet virtually with the Communications by Design (CBD) coaches to brainstorm ideas about Inquiry-Based learning. I use Twitter to virtually attend sessions at conferences or Edcamps or follow amazing educators that I connected with during the conference. I love using Pinterest and Teachers Pay Teachers to obtain fun ideas and ready-made lessons for my classroom.

Even with all the amazing connections I can make by utilizing technology, I still love to meet face to face with my grade-level team to collaborate on lessons and create innovative projects. I also meet frequently with my school’s technology director who also happens to be a close friend and a former MSU MAET Alum. She is always a wealth of knowledge, ideas, and resources.

As a techy teacher I love to create and innovate, but I am nothing without my PLN. Two heads are better than one, and with ten heads…well the possibilities would be endless. If you haven’t broadened your PLN to beyond yourself, I highly encourage you to do so. Collaboration is the key to amazing ideas.

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