Week 2: Learning Network

In CEP 810, we were asked to think of something we have always wanted to learn how to do and learn it by using only our online network such as youtube or help forums. I have chosen to learn finger picking on the guitar by learning the popular song “Say You Won’t Let Go” by James Arthur. I am very much a beginner at guitar and only know how to play a few basic chords as well as a basic strumming pattern. I have always loved the way songs that use finger picking sound and would love to learn this skill. I also like to choose songs that I can sing along to as music is a passion of mine. The song I chose is a popular song that I thought I could find several tutorials on as well as song a personally enjoy listening to.  I am focusing on learning one song that will take me through beginner finger picking patterns. If I master this, I may extend the lesson to another song, but let’s start here.

The video I found below is a great resource to achieve my goal. Not only does it provide an up close example, but it posts the chords directly on the video and has an explanation of the chords listed below in the show more menu.

I also will be using this video. I think this video is a great additional tutorial because the online teacher slowly talks through the steps for playing this song. This will be a great video to watch multiple times and will be good for rewinding back to specific problem parts.

This final video I believe will round out my tutorial videos. I like the idea of having multiple videos to learn from because each video teaches the skill in a slightly different way giving me multiple styles to learn from.

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